Section 01: Introduction to Machine Learning |
What is Machine Learning? |
00:02:00 |
Applications of Machine Learning |
00:02:00 |
Machine learning Methods |
00:01:00 |
What is Supervised learning? |
00:01:00 |
What is Unsupervised learning? |
00:01:00 |
Supervised learning vs Unsupervised learning |
00:04:00 |
Section 02: Setting Up Python & ML Algorithms Implementation |
Introduction |
00:03:00 |
Python Libraries for Machine Learning |
00:02:00 |
Setting up Python |
00:02:00 |
What is Jupyter? |
00:05:00 |
Anaconda Installation Windows Mac and Ubuntu |
00:06:00 |
Implementing Python in Jupyter |
00:01:00 |
Managing Directories in Jupyter Notebook |
00:05:00 |
Section 03: Simple Linear Regression |
Introduction to regression |
00:02:00 |
How Does Linear Regression Work? |
00:02:00 |
Line representation |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Importing libraries & datasets |
00:05:00 |
Implementation in Python: Distribution of the data |
00:02:00 |
Implementation in Python: Creating a linear regression object |
00:05:00 |
Section 04: Multiple Linear Regression |
Understanding Multiple linear regression |
00:03:00 |
Implementation in Python: Exploring the dataset |
00:00:00 |
Implementation in Python: Encoding Categorical Data |
00:06:00 |
Implementation in Python: Splitting data into Train and Test Sets |
00:04:00 |
Implementation in Python: Training the model on the Training set |
00:04:00 |
Implementation in Python: Predicting the Test Set results |
00:03:00 |
Evaluating the performance of the regression model |
00:01:00 |
Root Mean Squared Error in Python |
00:03:00 |
Section 05: Classification Algorithms: K-Nearest Neighbors |
Introduction to classification |
00:01:00 |
K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm |
00:01:00 |
Example of KNN |
00:03:00 |
K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) using python |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Importing required libraries |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Importing the dataset |
00:02:00 |
Implementation in Python: Splitting data into Train and Test Sets |
00:03:00 |
Implementation in Python: Feature Scaling |
00:03:00 |
Implementation in Python: Importing the KNN classifier |
00:02:00 |
Implementation in Python: Results prediction & Confusion matrix |
00:02:00 |
Section 06: Classification Algorithms: Decision Tree |
Introduction to decision trees |
00:01:00 |
What is Entropy? |
00:02:00 |
Exploring the dataset |
00:01:00 |
Decision tree structure |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Importing libraries & datasets |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Encoding Categorical Data |
00:05:00 |
Implementation in Python: Splitting data into Train and Test Sets |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Results Prediction & Accuracy |
00:03:00 |
Section 07: Classification Algorithms: Logistic regression |
Introduction |
00:01:00 |
Implementation steps |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Importing libraries & datasets |
00:02:00 |
Implementation in Python: Splitting data into Train and Test Sets |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Pre-processing |
00:02:00 |
Implementation in Python: Training the model |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in Python: Results prediction & Confusion matrix |
00:02:00 |
Logistic Regression vs Linear Regression |
00:02:00 |
Section 08: Clustering |
Introduction to clustering |
00:01:00 |
Use cases |
00:01:00 |
K-Means Clustering Algorithm |
00:01:00 |
Elbow method |
00:04:00 |
Steps of the Elbow method |
00:01:00 |
Implementation in python |
00:07:00 |
Hierarchical clustering |
00:02:00 |
Density-based clustering |
00:03:00 |
Implementation of k-means clustering in Python |
00:03:00 |
Importing the dataset |
00:04:00 |
Visualizing the dataset |
00:03:00 |
Defining the classifier |
00:02:00 |
3D Visualization of the clusters |
00:04:00 |
Number of predicted clusters |
00:02:00 |
Section 09: Recommender System |
Introduction |
00:02:00 |
Collaborative Filtering in Recommender Systems |
00:01:00 |
Content-based Recommender System |
00:02:00 |
Implementation in Python: Importing libraries & datasets |
00:05:00 |
Merging datasets into one dataframe |
00:00:00 |
Sorting by title and rating |
00:04:00 |
Histogram showing number of ratings |
00:01:00 |
Frequency distribution |
00:03:00 |
Jointplot of the ratings and number of ratings |
00:02:00 |
Data pre-processing |
00:02:00 |
Sorting the most-rated movies |
00:01:00 |
Grabbing the ratings for two movies |
00:01:00 |
Correlation between the most-rated movies |
00:00:00 |
Sorting the data by correlation |
00:01:00 |
Filtering out movies |
00:01:00 |
Sorting values |
00:01:00 |
Repeating the process for another movie |
00:02:00 |
Section 10: Conclusion |
Conclusion |
00:01:00 |